Small, Thin, Water Resistant, Durable and fast, Works on all computers,
PC, Mac, Car-PC, Laptops, Desktops, Tablet PC, and more... Works right along side your current mouse or touchpad!
Fast Easy & Fun, Pick it up, sit back in your chair and surf the web. Put it anywhere so you do not always have to reach for your mouse, on tables, desks, in cars and workshops. The Ergonomic Touchpad does everything your mouse does, left click, right click, Scroll!, drag & drop, zoom, glide extend and much more. It has low profile ergonomic design means less hand movement and more comfort. It comes with a special Velcro backed housing that make it “ten touchpads in one!” You c
Small, Thin, Water Resistant, Durable and fast, Works on all computers,
PC, Mac, Car-PC, Laptops, Desktops, Tablet PC, and more... Works right along side your current mouse or touchpad!
Fast Easy & Fun, Pick it up, sit back in your chair and surf the web. Put it anywhere so you do not always have to reach for your mouse, on tables, desks, in cars and workshops. The Ergonomic Touchpad does everything your mouse does, left click, right click, Scroll!, drag & drop, zoom, glide extend and much more. It has low profile ergonomic design means less hand movement and more comfort. It comes with a special Velcro backed housing that make it “ten touchpads in one!” You can set it, stick it down or use one of our keyboard mounts to put it within an inch of your typing hands on your computer keyboard!
- Works with Windows Vista / XP / 2000
- Automatically starts working when plugged in!
- No drivers, downloads or discs needed
- Works great with Apple Macintosh computers
- Automatically starts working when plugged in!
- No drivers, downloads or discs needed
- Dimenstions : 50 x 65 x 9 mm
- USB cable length: 180 cm
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Customer ratings:
Average rating, based on 32 ratings
l'accessoire ultime ! je l'ai caché dans la trappe cendrier de ma mercedes et il me sert à commander du bout des doigts mon carPC , qui utilise l'écran du module COMAND 2.0 . Cette écran est petit et n'est pas tactile mais il est parfaitement intégré dans la voiture. D'ou la necessité du touchpad, qui reste tres discret, surtout dans sa trappe. Nombreux autre usages possible. A conseiller absolument.
Big advance in mobile computing. When my laptop's touchpad got broken after thousands of hours of use, I thought I will be carrying a mouse always with me. But I found that! What a great finding. Totally recomendably! Really!
habe das Pad in meinem BMW E46 Touring am eeeCarPC. In Verbindung mit dem Tool Volumouse ist es einfach grandios!Von der Installation brauche ich garnicht sprechen... USB einstecken, läuft! Festeingebaut in der Mittelkonsole vor dem Automatikschalter, passt es sich super in die restliche Optik des Autos ein. grandios!
I think it's great.I have a car pc and sometimes it's very hard to use the mouse while driving,because the car is constantly shaking.With this portable touchpad everything can be very easy.
l'accessoire ultime ! je l'ai caché dans la trappe cendrier de ma mercedes et il me sert à commander du bout des doigts mon carPC , qui utilise l'écran du module COMAND 2.0 . Cette écran est petit et n'est pas tactile mais il est parfaitement intégré dans la voiture. D'ou la necessité du touchpad, qui reste tres discret, surtout dans sa trappe. Nombreux autre usages possible. A conseiller absolument.